Gun Control Now

I am not sure how many times we have to read about a horrific gun-related tragedy before someone in Congress takes up the cause. I'm tired of hearing that people are scared or concerned about taking away our second amendment rights. Gun control means intelligently thinking about how to keep citizens in communities across America safe. No one is asking to take all the guns away, but instead put in meaningful and thoughtful laws about the process by which people can apply and gain licenses for weapons. Guns are weapons and they should be regulated as such.I wrote this letter to my Congressman today, in hopes that others will do the same. Find your congressperson's website by going here: Congressman Fattah,I am deeply saddened by the shootings that occurred in Connecticut today and the others that have occurred throughout the year and in years past. I am writing to you to ask you to put forth a bill on gun control or work with other members of Congress to bring one forward.I can't tell you the outpouring of grief and frustration that I've seen from friends and colleagues today and in the previous months at the fact that there are not the right regulations and structures in place to keep guns off our streets and out of the hands of people who should not possess them.I'm not sure how many signatures you need or what can catalyze action, but I know that I'm connected to a large community of people both in this district and outside that strongly believe gun violence in our schools, in our public markets or anywhere is unacceptable. I hope that we can reverse this trend of unnecessary and gruesome violence by changing the laws and putting the funds forward to enforce them and also think about smart, balanced ways to get guns off our streets.Sincerely,Veena Vasudevan