Digitizing Syllabi

After being away from Blackboard and other digital course management software for a few years, I was introduced to Canvas in September. While Canvas and Blackboard seem to fulfill some requirements like hosting documents, facilitating online discussions and e-mail/announcements to the entire class and sub-groups, they don't go far enough for me.I think an awesome system would be one that transforms a syllabus into individual calendar entries, complete with assignments. The professors or instructors of a course would do what they did today- enter all of their materials, related URLs and assignments into the online course management system. When a student logged into the system, they would be able to "download the syllabus" which would translate to having the entire course entered onto their calendar, by weekly increments. Each calendar entry would include the summary of readings and any other pertinent information that the instructor/professor had originally conveyed. If changes are made, they can do it electronically and students could refresh the entries from time to time.Instead, I spent a few hours last weekend doing this manually - creating recurring google calendar appointments and separately incorporating assignment due dates. I didn't get to pasting in the readings because it was a bit too labor intensive and I really should be working on reading and writing for my courses!One last thing on this topic - it seems despite all the advances in technology that we've had since I was in graduate school four years ago, course management software hasn't evolved very much at all. I find this surprising given all the other ed reform related technology initiatives that are swirling around. Moreover, the user experience for these systems is not great. We constantly hear professors and students complaining about the challenges of navigating the system. If course management system isn't self explanatory, then it's not doing it's job.If someone decides to build this - I'd be happy to give you my thoughts on what could be improved!